Nutri Flow Duo (EC)

AB Fertilizers balanced dosage

AB Fertilizers balanced dosage
and EC control in one

The Nutri Flow Duo is designed to dose manure bin A and manure bin B as evenly and as much as possible. For this purpose, both levels of the manure bins are measured and kept even. This is done by having the discharge of both bins discharged separately in a controlled manner on command from the (substrate) computer. Various types of input signals from the computer can be configured. Various configurations are also possible for the controlled discharge of the fertilizers.

Het systeem bestaat uit een schakelkast met hierin is onder andere een PLC ingebouwd die als regeltechnisch brein functioneert. Tevens is op de voorkant van de schakelkast een touchscreen display aanwezig waarmee diverse regelwaarden kan worden afgelezen. Ook worden via dit display de configuraties en parameters ingegeven. Veder komen er op de AB mestbakken niveau sensoren. Hiermee wordt het niveauverschil bepaald. Ook is vaak een extra regelklep nodig om de meststoffen van beiden AB mestbakken onafhankelijk van elkaar te kunnen doseren.

In the Nutri Flow Duo situation, there are additional level sensors in the manure tanks. The substrate computer now controls the Nutri Flow Duo. This signal is translated by the Nutri Flow Duo into a 0-100% signal that will be used to calculate the desired valve positions. Based on the difference in level between both manure tanks, the control valve of the fullest manure tank will follow the substrate computer signal. The control valve of the manure tank with the lowest level will be opened slightly less far. The extent of this valve position in relation to the difference in level can be set in the Nutri Flow Duo.

Nutri Flow Duo EC

The Nutri Flow Duo EC is a parallel and EC control. With the EC control, you are no longer dependent on a substrate computer. The Nutri Flow Dua EC can function independently.

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