Buitelaar Engineering > Energy > Energy Storage

Energy Storage

Buitelaar Smart Battery System is an energy storage system that is built into a system cabinet. This system cabinet can be placed both indoors and outdoors. The energy storage system consists of: battery modules, with battery management system, inverter, CEE connections, an energy management system. The batteries can be charged with solar panels but also with a mains voltage and optionally also with a generator. In the event of a mains voltage failure, the batteries can be used as an emergency power supply. When the batteries threaten to run out in emergency power operation, a generator can be started automatically at that time.

The system is controlled with a Smart Energy Control smart control system. This monitors the energy flows and optimizes charging and discharging. As an example, with a dynamic energy contract, the system can determine at what time of day the electricity is cheapest and charge the batteries during this cheap period.

Installing and commissioning a smart battery system

ESS Container Energy Storage System

This liquid cooled energy storage system has an IP67 protection level and is suitable for a variety of application scenarios, such as peak shaving, grid expansion, C&I power conservation and backup, and off-grid emergency power supply.

ESS Container Energy Storage system mainly consists of 5 components:

Battery module(s)
Power Conversion System (PCS)
Energy Management System (EMS)
Smart Energy Controller (SEC)
ESS Container

Maximum 645 kWh in a 10 feet container

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